Supervasi invites you to be part of an education mega project – “Unmol” – a new approach to educate Tribals using animations, movies, songs and dance!
Unmol stands for "UNderstanding the Magic Of Life", and has been piloted in our center at Yeoor, Thane, Maharashtra. The program will be conducted free of cost for Tribal farmers and housewives in Maharashtra, and later in other states.
At Supervasi, we believe in creating lasting systems that continue to serve long after we’re gone. Not “Each one teach one” but “Each one teach generations to come.” Our team of doctors, scientists, philosophers and programmers have spent more than a decade designing systems to make this dream a practical reality.
Join in for an opportunity to visit our pilot centre at Yeoor forest, spend time with the Tribal adults and see the impact of your contributions in action. Sincere volunteers will also receive an “Unmol Ratna” token of appreciation for their selfless efforts in the development of our nation.
Supervasi has been educating the local tribal population of Yeoor (Maharashtra) since December 2014, and in March 2015 we begun a multimedia education program for the kids.
We use multimedia videos, animations and interactive games to introduce new concepts, and develop reading, writing, arithmetic and conceptual skills, in addition to improving general knowledge using fun activities.
We are also teaching English to the kids using various multimedia aids, poems, stories, action songs, dance and drama. We have designed an accelerated system of teaching languages, and are tutoring the kids in Marathi and English using the same.
"Unmol" stands for UNderstanding the Magic Of Life. It takes up the biggest challenge, of teaching the entire Std. 10 syllabus in one year, to the most backward section of our society, the Tribals.
Unmol is designed for illiterate farmers, daily-wage workers and house wives – giving them a second chance at educating themselves, to keep up with modern life.
We have designed and collected various multimedia aids, that include Animation, Music & Songs, Dance, Games, Sports and Educational Movies.
We have all grumbled about the education system – here’s a chance to do something about it! A chance to help create a system that solves the problem once and for all, by making education fast and highly meaningful.
At Supervasi, we believe in creating lasting systems that continue to serve long after we’re gone. Not “Each one teach one” but “Each one teach generations to come.”
The chance to make a difference to the lowest strata of society, in a simple and enjoyable way, in the midst of your busy life!
Volunteers will have the opportunity to personally visit our pilot centre at Yeoor forest (Thane, Maharashtra), spend time with the Tribal children and adults, and see the impact of their work, live in action.
Sincere volunteers will also receive an “Unmol Ratna” pin as a token of appreciation for their selfless effort, in the development of humanity and our nation as a whole.
Your name and photograph will also be displayed on the Supervasi website, with a few words from you, which can inspire others to also pitch in and do their bit.
Swami Vivekananda has said that “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already present in man”. We believe each individual holds great potential, thats just waiting to be awakened.
Our team of doctors, scientists, philosophers and programmers have spent more than a decade designing a system to make this dream a practical reality.
We have developed and patented technologies and methods to help us spread education very fast, and make every class an enjoyable experience!
We’ve tested out the system in the field of music learning, with record-breaking results at international standard exams.
Unmol is indeed the biggest magic show in the field of education. Join in and be part of this epic movement! Let your words live on, long after you.
Samples of our multimedia content that require translation into native languages.